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Keep up-to-date with the latest news and events at Grange!

Launch Day
As ever, we kick-started the new topics with a launch day to get the children immersed and engaged in their new learning for the half...

St Alban's Cathedral
As part of their Romans topic, the children in years 3 and 4 went on a school trip to St Alban's Cathedral. The children had a fantastic...

NSPCC Number Day
The children all enjoyed dressing up as numbers and taking part in different maths-related activities as part of NSPCC Number Day today....

Toy Museum
As part of their topic about toys in the past, the children in years 1 and 2 went on a trip to Hollytrees Toy Museum in Colchester. The...

Anti-racism workshops
The children in years 5 and 6 took part in some fantastic anti-racism workshops today. They learned lots of interesting information and...

Young Voices
The children in the school choir have been learning A LOT of songs in preparation for Young Voices at the O2. They all had a fantastic...

Science Museum Trip
As part of their learning, the children in years 5 and 6 went on a trip to the Science Museum in London. They started off by going on the...

Launch days
To start the new half term off, the children had launch days into their new lessons. In year 1 and 2, the children are learning about the...

Christmas trick!
The naughty elf gate crashed assembly this morning and had played havoc with the attendance wheel! He attached himself to the wheel and...

House Reward
The children in Earth house took part in a Christmas craft reward today as they have the most house points so far this year. They made...

Church Service
The children in KS2 walked down to St Andrew's Church today for a Christmas service today. Children from each class read out a poem which...

Christmas dinner
The whole school enjoyed having their Christmas dinner today! Everybody got to eat lunch with their friends in their Christmas jumpers...

Police visit
As part of their topic all about people who help us, the children in Oak and Ash had some police officers in yesterday. They talked about...

Panto Day!
Everyone at Grange was really lucky to attend the Pantomime at the Towngate Theatre on Friday. A huge thank you to the PTA for paying for...

Launch Days
As ever, we started the half term with 'launch days' to get us in the swing of our new learning. Children in years 3-6 had VR workshops...

Year 5/6 trip to Wat Tyler Park
As part of their science all about animals and their habitats, the children in years 5 and 6 went on a trip to Wat Tyler Park, where they...

Maple class silent disco!
As they won the class attendance competition last week, Maple got to spin the wheel in assembly to win a prize - this time the wheel...

Hyde Hall
The children in years 1 and 2 had a fantastic day at Hyde Hall learning all about plants. They made nests, created artwork and explored...

Stone Age Day
The children in year 3 and 4 had a fantastic Stone Age Day yesterday. We had visitors on the school field who brought their Stone Age...

Dot Day
To celebrate Dot Day, we had a whole-school art day - inspired by dots! The children all took part in different art activities, such as...

A big thank you to our fantastic PTA, who organised and ran our Summer fete this year. There were lots of different stalls, bouncy...

When EYFS were learning about growing, they hatched some eggs into chicks. They became celebrities overnight and the children at Grange...
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