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School Uniform

If you would like to purchase school uniform with the Grange logo, please visit Emblem School Uniform or My Clothing. Please note there is no expectation for children to have the Grange logo on their uniform.  


  • White shirt or polo shirt

  • Navy trousers or shorts

  • Navy sweatshirt or jumper

  • Dark or white socks

  • Sensible black shoes (not trainers)


PE kit:

  • Navy plain shorts or joggers

  • White t-shirt or polo shirt 

  • Black or white plimsolls or trainers

  • Plain navy jumper/sweater

  • Earrings must be removed or removable by the child for PE

  • We now have a school PE tracksuit available to buy through School Money. 



  • White shirt or polo shirt

  • Navy trousers, skirt or pinafore dress

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan

  • Dark or white socks or tights

  • Sensible black shoes (not trainers)

  • Blue and white checked summer dress


Hair and accessories:

  • A pair of stud earrings may be worn, but must be removed for PE. 

  • Makeup and nail varnish are not part of the school uniform

  • Hairstyles and hair attire should be kept simple

  • Longer hair should be tied back in a simple hair tie


Please ensure that all items of clothing have your child's name in. Clothing does get misplaced from time to time and this enables us to get it back to you!

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