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Sports Premium

The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress. At Grange we are proud to have been awarded the gold mark.

We believe in trying our best to be fit and healthy, so we advocate healthy playtime snacks and lunches, provide the full PE offer during learning time as well as offering a range of sports and games clubs after school. We do many sporting events with local schools for pupils from year 1-6. Sports Ambassadors, who are chosen to represent the school, attend sports meetings and support school PE events.

Each year an action plan is written, allocating Sports Premium funding against the 5 key indicators. At the end of the year, the impact of the funding is analysed. Click
here to see the 5 key indicators.  

Proposed spending of the 2023/24 Sports Premium Grant. 

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Please click here for a printable version of our proposed spending of the 2023/24 Sports Premium Grant and an analysis of the 2022/23 grant.. 

Please click here for 2022/23 Sports Premium Grant. 

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